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Topics: Sunrooms | March 1, 2017

It is mid-February and I am sitting outside (short-sleeved) watching my Z3 and Z4 battle invisible droids in our back yard.  You read that correct… short-sleeves and battling OUTSIDE in the middle of February.  I don’t know what Mother Earth is planning for us in the next few weeks, but for right now I am going to enjoy this weather while I fantasize about the glorious Summer months ahead!  Currently, at the top of my list is to hit the gym hard for the next few months as well as start planning our outdoor space. Here are a few of my favorite local Vienna MOSS remodels that allow homeowners to really take advantage of beautiful weather.


Sunroom additions are one of the most popular home additions in home renovation.  Sunrooms enable you to enjoy the sun even if the temperature isn’t where you’d like it to be.  As the seasons transition; you can enjoy the stress-relieving rays of sunshine through single or double paned windows!  Like this sunroom addition in Vienna, VA.  Notice how the beautifully large windows bring the outdoors in, while the warm colors generate a feeling of coziness!  The perfect place for family game night or to sip some lemonade and read a good book.

Sunroom home addition vienna remodel

Indoor Pool

Nothing says summer like the smell of chlorine!  Some enjoy that feeling so much that they decide to have it all year round with the addition of an indoor pool.  Quite the fantasy for my children and reality for this lucky family who added an eternity pool to their home.  Who says summer has to end?


Pool House

If you already have a pool (lucky you), consider adding a pool house!  Perfect place for your guests to change and hangout while soaking up the sun.  Perhaps think about making it a multi-use guest house as well.  We all have a Kato or two in our lives, don’t we??

Pool house home addition vienna

Outdoor BBQ

I know from experience that after all that playing out doors I have a hungry MOB. One of our favorite things to do is to grill!  My husband would be ESTATIC and cook up a storm in an outdoor kitchen like this one. Eating corn on the cob and some fire-cooked burgers is the perfect end to a long summer day.  Aren’t you ready to cook up some memories?!  It’s not too late to get a jump start on YOUR summer projects.

Outdoor kitchen remodel addition

Best Home Remodeler in Vienna

Did you know that not only was Moss Home Services just voted The Best Handyman 2017 by the readers of Arlington Magazine, but Moss Building and Design is also the reigning Best Remodeler?! Thank you so much for your support throughout the years, and we look forward to being your one stop shop for all your home improvement needs. If you are thinking of a home remodel, the professionals at MOSS are here to help.  If you have general questions, call MOSS at 703.961.7707 or email Sales@MossBuildingandDesign.com.

Until Next Time,


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