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Topics: Community | March 17, 2020

During this time of COVID 19-related uncertainty, it would be easy to focus solely on ourselves and our needs. However, as it has been shown time and time again, we, as a people, are driven to reach out, give back, and help those around us who need it more than we do. However, just as we are still learning how to deal with the situation as it changes every day, figuring out how to help our neighbors, community, and local small businesses is constantly shifting and changing. MOSS has been giving back to the local community for years, and we pride ourselves on partnering with groups that need our assistance. Our team has been listening and leaning in, and hope that we can offer some ways that we can help those #inneed today, tomorrow, and in the weeks and months to come: 

Helping Your Neighbors

  • Social media is trending with the hashtag #inneed. If you are in need of something (Clorox Wipes, etc.) or know of an older individual who is, post #inneed then the item that is needed. This is a great way to help on behalf those who are not active on social media. 
  • Visit your senior citizen neighbor and ask how you can help them — shop for groceries for them, pick up their medication, and make their life easier and safer. 
  • Check in on your neighbors, constantly! Make a text stream for your street neighbors if anyone needs help and be available if anyone needs childcare or dog walking, for example. 

Helping Your Community

  • Buy reasonable amounts of items and adhere to guidelines (don’t over buy!). 
  • Follow the CDC recommendations: constantly wash your hands with soap and hot water for 20 seconds, don’t touch your face, practice social distancing, shop at off hours to lessen crowds, and be vigilant about staying home if you are sick. 
  • Donate any extra canned food or needed items for school children who normally receive free or reduced breakfast and lunch at local elementary schools. 

Helping Local Small Businesses

  • Order a meal delivery a few times a week from a local, family-owned restaurant — help them stay in business, especially if communities are asked to self-quarantine. 
  • Promote online shopping for local businesses or consider personalized gifts for birthdays or anniversaries for the rest of the year by choosing a local vendor. 
  • Local businesses might implement delivery options for dog food, pharmacy items, or more – stay on top of the news or details via NextDoor.com

And, when you find yourself potentially at home dealing with an illness, caring for others who are sick, or hunkering down at home with children who are home from school for long periods of time, it helps to think ahead to the future when life returns to normal. Perhaps you’ve been considering a home remodel for a while, or perhaps after staring at your four walls for a few weeks, you’re inspired to make a change! Spend some time browsing our MOSS boards on Pinterest and pin some ideas for a gourmet kitchen or an updated master bathroom, or begin your own vision board on Houzz (check out the MOSS Houzz page for ideas!) to get your thoughts in order. 

Working Together 

By working together as a community to flatten the curve, continuing to practice healthy habits, and focusing on our fellow man as well as ourselves, we can live through this current public health crisis and come out the other side ready to return to our usual day to day existence. MOSS wishes all our customers and friends good health. 

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