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Spring is here! Warmer weather, longer days, and more time spent outdoors are among the things we all look forward to every year at this time. This year, of course, is a bit different – the time spent outdoors will be spent mainly at your home and in your family’s personal outside space. Perhaps, then, this is the perfect time to update and upkeep your home’s outside space in ways that you haven’t had time for in the past. Moss Building & Design is here to provide some do it yourself (DIY) ideas for improving and updating your outside spaces that can help further beautify the space that you’ll be enjoying this spring.  

Porch & Deck Cleaning  

After the winter, it’s important to clean your porch and deck – who knows what debris and leaves have blown in and made a mess! Plus, spring brings pollen and other dust, which settle on everything. Take the time to thoroughly clean your porch and deck by hosing everything down, wiping all the layers of dirt off, and sweeping away any other remnants of winter. Next step, if you have access to one, is to power wash the flooring and steps on your deck or porch. It’s amazing what a power washer can accomplish (it’s a very satisfying chore)! Be sure to follow all instructions and safety guidelines for using a power washer. Cleaning off your space and making it ready for family time this spring will help bring your family together in a new space for game nights, grilling, or hanging around your fire pit.  

Bonus tip if you have a power washer: power wash your siding. It’s amazing what the winter (and just time in general) can do to your siding! The green tinge you see on your siding in spots where nature has made its presence known? A little bit of time and effort on your part (and your power washer’s) can completely update the exterior of your home and make it look brighter and lighter!  

Garden & Flower Planting  

It’s time to pull out your green thumb! Or, attempt to – we understand that not all of us are master gardeners. That’s okay! If you want some new color around your front steps or porch, you can research heartier options for annuals, like pansies, geraniums, and begonias. Plant starter flowers this year and see how it goes. Spring is a wonderful time to start a garden as well, and can serve as a fantastic opportunity for your family to learn more about earth science and what it takes to grow the food we all eat. The nice part is that you can start with starter plants that are readily available at nurseries in the area – these will make your life a lot easier versus starting from seed. In general, you’ll feel a profound sense of accomplishment by planting both flowers and a garden, plus, this activity can go a long way in updating your home’s curb appeal (and teach your kids something along the way).  

Fence Repair  

While we didn’t experience the toughest winter in Northern Virginia in 2020, that doesn’t mean that your fence isn’t necessarily without issues. Some of your fence slats might have weakened or broken. Spend some time outside checking your fence, making sure it’s secure, the gates are functioning properly, and that your yard is a safe place for the little ones and four-legged friends to run around and enjoy themselves.  

Outdoor Lighting  

Are all your outdoor lights working correctly? Make sure that any lights out front and out back are functioning as they should to lengthen the time your family can spend outdoors on beautiful spring evenings. Perhaps you have the lights programmed to come on with sunset and to turn off with sunrise. Better yet, you can even install a smart light switch and system that allows you to turn lights on and off with an app! The installation isn’t difficult and the app allows you to turn lights off at your convenience (and not make you get out of bed to go turn off the backyard light…again). Here’s a YouTube tutorial on how to install a smart light switch: https://youtu.be/anYCOmeqAeE  

Tree Health  

How are the trees in your front and back yards? Are they as healthy as they could be? Now might be a good time to do some tree upkeep. You can contact an arborist to give you ideas of your trees’ health and possibly give you suggestions for cutting branches back or potentially removing a tree entirely if its health is in question. We all love mature trees in our yards but if they are not 100% healthy, you run the risk of them falling on your home or in your yard, especially during the turbulent weather months in the spring and summer.  

How Can MOSS Help  

There are a lot of things that need to happen on the regular for outside space maintenance: lawn mowing, leaf raking, etc. But these ones we’ve listed here might not always be front of mind for the average homeowner. Perhaps this spring is the perfect time to take advantage of just that: time. Tackle one or a few over the next few weekends. And, if you feel like you might need a little extra help, contact MOSS for the heavy lifting. We’re here and available to help you this spring (and the rest of the year) for all your home remodeling and maintenance needs. Contact us at Hello@MossBuildingAndDesign.com or at 703.961.7707.

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